
夏の旅行記 London, Summer travel in London

Last year, we went to Spain, but it was too hot.  Italy that we desire to visit someday would be hot, too.  We decided to travel to a little northern countries.  They were London and Amsterdam.

Considering ticket reservation, we started planning since January.  First of all, we reserved tickets.  We planned to take two days off before and after the summer holidays of my work since one day makes big difference of price.  Sticking to Star-alliance, the cheapest was fly by Lufthansa buying from ANA.  We are used to fly by Lufthansa and their service is comfortable.  There is no problem about that.

ホテルは大手チェーンも芸がないということで、小じんまりしたホテルを選ぶことにした。いつもNetでホテルを選ぶ時はヒヤヒヤしながらだ。本当のところは行ってみないと判らない。ハワイのマリオットチェーンでさえ、部屋毎クーラーでうるさくて眠れなかったこともある。あんな経験は30年前のNew Orleans以来だ。
Since we thought hotels of large hotel chain is tasteless, we decided to chose one of small independent hotels.  I feel scared when I choose a hotel by internet.  We cannot be sure until we are there.  Once I chose one of the hotel having name of Marriot a few years ago, but the air conditioner of the room was too laud to sleep.  That was a only experience since one in New Orleans in these thirty years.

兎にも角にも、Trip Adviserで色々物色し、値段も見ながらAgoda経由ChelseaにあるThe Draycott Hotelという所を予約した。予算オーバーだったが気分の悪い所に泊まるよりよいかというような諦めもあった。
Anyway, looking at TripAdviser, and considering price, I chose The Draycott Hotel at Chelsea through Agoda travel agency.  It was over our budget, but we thought it would be better to stay at uncomfortable ones.

7/19に日本を出発し、Lufthansaお決まりのFrankfurt経由Londonに17時過ぎに着いた。17時といっても夏のロンドンでは午後の気分だ。Heathrow 地下で予定していたOysterという地下鉄の電子切符とLondon Passという観光地の纏め切符のような物を買ってPiccadilly Lineでホテルに向かった。後で書くようにこのLondon Passは我々の場合失敗だった。
Leaving Japan on July 19, we arrived at London after 17 o'clock with one stop at Frankfurt that is customary of Lufthansa.  17:00 is still afternoon in summer London.  After buying Oyster, an IC ticket, and London Pass that is prepaid ticket for many sightseeing sites at underground of Heathrow airport, we head for the hotel.  The London pass turned out to be fail for us as I write later.

途中District Lineに乗り換えSloan Squareという駅からホテルまでは徒歩。行く前のNet検索でみつけた「階段を使わずに乗り換えできる、地上まで出られる駅Map」というのが役立ち、一昨年のParisや前回のLondonのようにスーツケースをぶら下げて階段を登るという目に合わずに済んだ。
Changing to the District Line, we walked to the hotel from a station Sloan Square.  A map that shows stations where we can transfer or get out to the surface, that I found before departure, was very useful, and we were able to repeat bad experiences to climb up steps hanging suitcases that I faced last year in Paris and last visit London.
思ったより道も分かりやすく、また思ったより人気の多い地区だったので、ホッとしながらホテルまで着いた。こういう時も最近味をしめているGoogle Mapのオフライン機能が大活躍だ。Android用の最新バージョンで一時使用不能になって大ブーイングを食らい、中途半端な修正の状態のoffline機能を復旧した。だが、まあまあ使えるレベルにはなっている。
Since the way to the hotel was easier than expected, and there are fairly amount of walkers, we were able to arrive at ease aided by a kind lady helping us to confirming the location.  In situation like this, Google map off-line works very well.  In the latest version for Android, the function was removed, that caused enormous booing from users and made Google create a way around.  Still, it works.

ホテルはNetの広告通り、アンティークなしつらえで、従業員の応対も丁寧。中々期待できそうである。部屋の様子を幾つか写真に撮影した。部屋には夫々人の名前が付けられている。この部屋はJane Baxter。鍵を貰うときに部屋の名前を言うと早いのだが,中々覚えられなかった。この建物に縁の人かと思っていたが,帰国後調べたら女優らしい。他の部屋もそういう人たちかな。よく見てくればよかったか。
The hotel is just as described in the net, designed in antique fashion, and the staffs are generous.  It looked like we can expect good stay.  I took some pictures of interior.   The rooms are named of persons.  Our room was Jane Baxter.  Saying the name is a easy way to get room key,but it was not easy to remember the name.  I thought she was somebody related to the hotel, but research after I returned showed that she was an famous actress in England.  I wonder all rooms are named for actors and actresses.  I should have checked it. 

Bar counter.  Inside is a refrigerator.

Bar and a desk

A chair at the stairway.  The faces at the armrest is a little scary.  ^^;

その日はお腹もあまり空いていないので、ホテルで教えてもらった近所のスーパーで水と一緒に買ったビールとクッキーくらいで眠った。この時判ったのだが、道一本歩くと適度の都会で、後から地球の歩き方を見たらKing's Roadというショッピング街らしい。ベッドのクッションの具合がミッチリ充実した感じで非常によろしい。寝返り殆ど打つこともなく気持よく眠れてしまう。バスルームも浴槽の背が高くて跨ぐのに注意がいる位で、満足できる。
As we were not so hungry, we went to bed just having some cookie and beer that I bought at the supermarket, that one of a staff told me, along with bottles of water.  At that time I found out if we walk one block the surrounding is fairly popular.  I found out it is a King's road, a popular shopping area according to a travel guide book.

翌朝は周囲の様子もよく分からないのでホテルで朝食と決めていた。English Breakfastで満腹。小じんまりしたホテルの割りには広くて本格的なレストラン。
しばらく休憩して予定のバッキンガムパレスへ、11:15から始まるという衛兵の交代を見に。9時過ぎで既に人が集まり始めている。二人いる衛兵が時々歩くのだが,フラフラしていて今ひとつシャキットしない。ここで11:15まで待つのもなぁと計画変更し,Queens Galleryに移動した。GalleryはLondon Passで無料。パレスの中も見たかったのだが、パレスは夏の間しか開館しておらず、今年は7/27日からという我々がLondonを出発した後の開館ということが判っており、予定から外していた。Queens Galleryで昔の衣装を見て、例によってShopを物色。妻はおみやげ探しに奔走。そうこうしている間に衛兵交代の時間となり、Shopで疲れた妻をベンチに残し、一人で見物に戻った。
We had decided to have breakfast at the hotel next morning , since we did not know the circumstances.  I got full and was satisfied with their English breakfast.
After some rest, we left for Buckingham Palace as planned to watch the exchange of guard starting from 11:15.  It was a little past 9 when we arrived there, and crowds had started to gather.  The two guards there walks from time to time, but one of them walks like tottering, and did not look great  We started to think it is not worth waiting, and changed our plan to move to Queens Gallery rather than waiting there more than two hours.  The Gallery is free with the London Pass.  We had hoped to watch inside the Palace, but it was not planned since we had known that the Palace is only open during summer, from July 27 in that year that was after we would have left London.  After seeing antique costumes, we strolled at the gift shop as usual.  My wife was rushing to find souvenirs.  Meanwhile, the exchange of guard started.  I went back to the Palace leaving my wife at a bench tired of shopping.

もう凄い人で近づくこともできず、三脚で伸ばしたカメラから盲撮りしたのがフェンス越しの写真。Royal babyが今日か明日かと言われていたので、それ目当ての人々も加わっていたかもしれない。この頃からレンズの不調に気づく。撮影後,「Err01 カメラとレンズの通信不良です。レンズの接点を清掃してください」という表示が出て,電源入れ直さないと使えなくなる。肝心の写真は撮れているのもあれば,露出が狂っているものもあり,全く撮れてないものも。後から色々調べると自動絞りのあたりの不具合らしく,全開放付近だと起きない。しかし,帰国してから調べると,撮れていた物も隅にケラレのような黒いエリアが出来ている。絞りが引っかかっていたのかもしれない。
There had been enormous crowds, and I was not able to get close to the fence.  The picture looking through the fence is blindly taken extending the tripod above my head.  Probably, as the Royal Baby would come the day or next, people aiming for that might be there, too.  Around that time, I noticed my camera started working strange.  After shooting, a message "Error1 Communication failure between a lens and a body.  Clean contacts of a lens" started to appear, and the camera stopped working until restarted.  The pictures are sometimes OK, sometimes wrong exposure, and sometimes not taken at all.  Afterwords I found out it is a failure of automatic aperture function, and no failure happens if aperture is fully open.  However, I also found dark area the upper right side of the corer of pictures.  It is possible that the part of aperture of the lens was stacked.

Crowd around Buckingham Palace


Tourist crossing the road.

交代パレードも終わり、続いて地下鉄に乗りLondon Towerへ。地下鉄の中は蒸し暑く結構ダメージ受ける。
タワーに行く前に休憩しようとレスランに入り,私はFish and Chips。ここのチップスは妙に評判よかった。
After the exchange, we went to London Tower by the tube.  It was hot and humid inside the tube, that made us tired.
Before going to the Tower, we entered a restaurant to take a rest.  I ordered fish and chips.  The chips there was remarkably good.
Lunch at Nobotel

TowerもLondon Passに込。The Jewel Houseだけは見ようと思っていたが、折悪しく長蛇の列。1時間ではきかないだろうと、これは断念。朝一番に来ると良かったかもしれない。私は30年前に見たことあるし。
The Tower is included in the London Pass.  Although we wanted to go inside at least the Jewel House, we were unlucky enough to find an enormous long line, and gave up.  We should have come first thing in the morning.  Anyway, I have seen the jewels thirty years ago.
The Tower bridge seen from the London tower
この日は初日で結構疲れたのでこれにて終了。予定していたSt. PaulもWestminster Abbeyもキャンセル。また今度ね。
The day was our first day, we felt really tired, and decided to go back to the hotel canceling St Paul and Westminster Abbey.
夜は近所のGallery Mess.という美術館に併設のレスタランへ。やや巨人症気味の受付担当者とかなりオネェの黒人ウェイターのコンビネーションが絶妙だった。また,ビールを頼んだ時,ウェイターが熱心にAsahiが旨いよ,と勧めるのも笑えた。料理も雰囲気も勿論悪くない。
For dinner, we went to Gallery Mess that is at the nearby gallery.  A combination of a reception who is a kind of the gigantism, and a black gay waiter was interesting.  Another funny thing was the waiter trying to recommend really seriously Asahi beer to us that we really know well of.


Next morning, we enjoyed sandwiches and eggplant lasagna for breakfast that we bought at the supermarket in front of the Gallery Mess.  A store employee was insisting it was not lasagna as it did not contain meat.  Well, anyway it was good.  The supermarket is called Partridge, and it was neat since they have good quality merchandises, and the taste is good.

The picture below was a part of the garden seen through a window taken after breakfast.  Even though our room is in the basement, a nice design of a pit like space and large windows makes the room bright, open, and calm.

落ち着いてから、予定通りKew Gardenに向かう。この日はまだ不調のズームレンズが絞り開放なら使えることに気づかず,90mmマクロのみで外出。不自由だった。特にセルフタイマーでツーショットを撮ろうとすると,かなり走らないといけなくて,しんどかった。
After some rest, we headed for the Kew Garden as planned.  On the day I had not noticed that the failed lens is usable with fully open aperture, so I brought only the other lens of 90 mm macro.  It was really inconvenient.  Especially when I tried to take a shot of us two with ny tripod, running a long way from the camera was tiring.

Sloan SquareからKew Gardenは,District Line一本で行けてしまう。とても便利。しかし、駅からガーデンまでは10分位歩く。往きは曇っていたので、まあOK。帰りは日が出てきて一汗かいた。Kewも、London Passで無料。朝早い(10時半位?)こともあり未だ客はそれ程でもない。着いてみて、広さを再認識。これは歩ける広さではない。巡回しているバスに乗ることにする。バスは11:00からなのでそれまで温室をブラリと。温室はどこも温室だなぁ。
The way from Sloan Square to Kew Garden Station is very easy taking just one ride on the District line.  But, after that we have to walk about ten minutes.  On the way to there, it was cloudy, so it was OK.  However, it was bright and fine on the way back that made us sweat.  The Kew garden is free with the London Pass.  Probably since it was early in the morning just after ten o'clock, there were not many visitors.  After we arrived, I reconfirmed the garden is really big.  Too big to walk around.  We chose to take a bus that takes us interesting spots of the garden.  Before the bus would leave at 11:00, we went through the main conservative.  A conservatory is just a conservatory anywhere.

バスに乗り、元空軍のJet Pilotという運転手の冗談を聞きながら巡回。ラウドスピーカーで音響効果も悪く、正直あまり良くわからない。まあ主要な事くらいは想像力も駆使して理解したつもりになる。パンフレットでここが世界遺産と知る。English Gardenの看板のようなところだからもう少しお花を期待したが、季節のせいもあるのか、広さのほとんどは林ですな。花は少々でした。バスは7箇所位乗り降り自由な停留所があるが、我々はほとんどぐるりとバスで回り、最後の一区間分だけ歩くことにした。この辺りにはDianaにちなんだ温室やロックガーデンもある。
On the bus, listening to a driver who was Airforce jet pilot, we watched around the garden.  Sound from loud speaker was not very good, and British accent game me hard time to catch the message of the guide very well.  Anyway, fully using my imagination, I thought I understood most of the important points.  Also, we understood that this is a world heritage after reading the brochure.  We expected more flowers since the Kew is the most famous English Garden, but most of the vast area is filled with forest maybe because of the season.  We could not see flowers a lot.  The bus stops about seven terminals where we can get off/on freely.  We were mostly on the bus, dropped off at the last terminal, and walked back.  On the way, we strolled through the Princess of Wales Conservatory, and a rock garden.
A palace near the garden

Princess came to this building in the past.

There'a a facility for kids to have fun.


Geranium in full bloom

You can go inside and see

Monkey Puzzleという木
A tree called Monkey Puzzle

Monkey Puzzleの新芽?

Rock Garden

Statures outside of main conservatory
この日は元気が残っていたので、そのままAfternoon teaを頂きに都心に出かける。まず、何と大胆にRitzへ。建物は直ぐ判ったが、入り口が判らず、ホテルマンに聞いて何とか到着。レストラン前のお兄さんにAfternoon teaできるか?と聞くと、今日はいっぱいだよ、まあ兎に角あっちのレセプションに行け、ということでレセプションに。ここでは今日も大丈夫だが、ここはtie and jacket必要だけど、着替えて来る?とのコメント。ジャケットはあるにはあるが,そのためにホテルに戻るのも面倒くさい、ということであっけなくRitzは断念。Tie and Jacketはいつもなのか、日曜のせいなのか、体よく断られたのか、ちょっと悔しい。
On the day, we had some energy left to directly go to downtown to enjoy The Afternoon Tea.  First, we dared try the Ritz.  We arrived after with help of a hotel man to the entrance of the restaurant, and asked a boy if any table available.  He says it's full, but we should ask the receptionist.  The receptionist said some still available, but I needs a tie and a jacket. I had a jacket in the hotel room, but we thought it's too much, and gave up the Ritz.  Is a tie and a jacket always necessary, or is it only on Sunday, or were we just politely declined?  A little frustrating.

ContingencyはHiltonという案もあったが、買い物も兼ねてFortnum and Masonにする。
We had some contingency plans including Hilton Park Lane, but decide to go to Fortnum and Mason where we could do some shopping.  However, we found afternoon tea is available after three o'clock in the restaurant on the ground floor when it was still two o'clock.  We were suggested to go up to the first floor parlor.  The parlor is completely different from the elegant ground floor restaurant, and just like one of the casual dining room at Japanese department store like where tables are cheap plastics and kids running or yelling around.  Surely, a waitress brought us a three stories dish, but what we saw was very simplified one with ice cream, scorn, and jam from the top.   Although we didn't examine if this is because it was at the parlor or not, it still vexes me.  But as we are too hungry to be satisfied only with scorns, we added a chicken salad that was found very delicious.

After the tea, we did some shopping.
買い物もすんで,また地下鉄でホテルに向かう。Tubeを降りて,近所に沢山あるショップもあまり見ていなかったので,Hugo Bossを皮切りに,色々と覗く妻。
Finished shopping at F&M, we headed back to the hotel by the tube.  As we had not enough time to explore the neighbors much, my wife examined some shops starting from Hugo Boss while I was taking pictures of well decorated show windows.

After arrived at the hotel, we walked out and took a couple of pictures in the garden.
It was surrounded by fences and very calming.

A locust tree in the garden and a neighbor building
Went out for dinner.  The surrounding buildings uniformed in of red brick walls are wonderful.
Buildings nearby are all of red bricks, and street lights are fashionable.


Pub The Antelopeこの街区になると壁はこの色に統一されている
The area around the pub is uniformed in this color.
AntelopeというPubを狙ったのだが,厨房をrenovation中で食事が作れないということだった。仕方なく近くのThe Duke Of WellingtonというPubにすることにする。近くまで行くと,なんと10人以上の客が前の歩道で車座ジベタリアンでビール堪能中。中が満員なのかと入るとそんなことはない。まあ,地元に評判良ければ良かろうと,ビールを手始めに色々頼む。マスターが随分人なつっこく,ビールを頼むとまず試飲しろと少し飲ませてくれる。外の客がビールを持って出入りする度にドアが「バッターン」と閉まるのには少々困ったが,まあそれも愛嬌かと笑う。
We aimed at Antelope, a pub, but a staff told that their kitchen was under renovation and were not able to cook.  Reluctantly we went to the other pub, The Duke of Wellington.  We found there were about ten people sitting on the ground and enjoying their beer, when we got near the pub.  We suspected tables are full, but that was not the reason.  Decided not to explore anymore about that, since it is good to be popular among neighbors.  We ordered beers and foods.  The master is so friendly that he suggests tasting for free when I ordered beers.  The only trouble was the door closed with big bang noise when the customers outside come in and out.  But, it was fun and aroused smile.  

4日目、22日は安息日。昼飯はCaffé Concertoというイタリアン。娘とskype。
暇を持て余し,夕方Harrodsに例のビニールの袋を買いに行く。帰りにround aboutで出口を間違えたらしく,道に迷ったが,赤レンガとCadogan Garden 何やらという通りを頼りに何とか帰ることができた。

この日にRoyal Babyが生まれたらしいが、私が知ったのは翌朝だった。妻は私が眠った後、夜中のニュースを見ていてしったらしい。


5日目はBritish Museumへ。Holborn駅から歩いた。くたびれたが,何とかアッシリアの像、ロゼッタストーン、ミイラ位は見ることができた。ここもかなりの人出だ。何とか空いたロビーの椅子に座り,コーヒーを頂く。ふと携帯を見ると娘からの着信履歴。電話して見たが昨日のSKYPEが通じなかった時の電話らしく,大英博物館の混雑を語ったのみ。National Galleryという案もあったが,Sir John Soane Museumというのにも回ることにする。タクシーを捕まえて移動。

British Museumから門を見る。雨が降ったようだ。
Sir John Sloane 博物館 外壁工事中

ここは私も来たことがない。妻の友人からの紹介だ。Sir John Soaneという建築家が本業?の好事家のコレクションが展示されている。この建物そのものも素敵な造りで,彼が設計したらしい。入り口に五六人並んでいたが、意外と直ぐ入れた。大きい荷物は事前に預けるのだが、我々のはいいよと言われ,中に入った入。そこで、番人の爺さんにストップを食らう。「何でこんな荷物通すんだ!?」みたいにもめてる。多分、私の三脚が気に入らなかったのか。結局、最初の広間にいた兄ちゃんに爺さんが命じて、そこにある立派な家具の中にしまわされ、鍵かけられた。鍵は隣の引き出しにポイ!手ぶらになり身軽に見回る。
さほど大きくない建物にギリシャ時代の彫刻から絵画、建築図面、家具等々所狭しと展示されている。ここも大英博物館と同じくdonationだけだし、おすすめできる観光スポットだ。最後にショップがあるのはここも同じ。その次は出口。預けた荷物の所に行けない!外に出るとさっきの経緯を知ってそうな人は案の定誰もいない。兎に角、訳を話して入り口からまた入る。広間には爺さんも兄ちゃんもいない。登板のおじさんにワケを説明すると、Really?  Are you sure?とか言って中々信用しない。真剣な顔すると警戒されそうなので、笑いながら「まあともかく…」みたいにクローゼットに連れてくる。まだ、Really?  Are you sure?といっている。ここまで来たらと、有無を言わさずさっきの引き出しから鍵を出し扉を開けてやった。中の荷物を見てやっ信用したらしく、I've never seen this.  Even there is...とやっている。ここで感動されても仕方ないので、We know much more than you do.と留めを指すと。"Yeh, surely"と。忘れ物が無いのを確認し、礼を言って外に出た。

ここからタクシーでホテルに戻る。運転席の日除けに子供の写真が貼ってあるので、孫かと聞いたら、そこから話が弾み、道中随分盛り上がった。途中サービスなのか料金稼ぎなのか、Backingham Palaceの前を通ってくれた。妻はRoyal Babyのイーゼルが見えたと大喜び。


夕食は前に昼食をしたCaffé Concertoにした。店内でTVを見ていると、Royal Babyが病院で顔見世。TV経由だがリアルタイムで見てしまった。店内にいた女性客も結構これに食いついていた。
We had dinner at Caffé Concerto that we had lunch before.  The Royal Baby appeared while we were watching TV.  Namely, we watched the event real time though it was through TV.  Most women at the restaurant were drawn to the program.
Caffé Concerto

翌朝は移動日。荷物もあるし、Sloan Squareには降りのエスカレータが無いので、Victoriaまでタクシーで。使い残したOysterの払い戻しを受け取り、VictoriaからGatwick ExpressでGatwick空港。快適特急だった。BAだからStar Allianceではないし、近距離路線なのに、business classが予約されていたのでラウンジで時間をつぶし、Amsterdamに向かった。
Next morning we moved to our next destination.  As we had luggages and the Sloan Square station does not have elevator or escalator to go down, we took taxi to the Victoria station.  Getting refund of Oyster tickets, went to the Gatwick airport by the Gatwick Express.  It was very neat and comfortable.  Although the flight is by BA and not star alliance, and the path is short, business class tickets were booked.  We passed time at the lounge and took off to Amsterdam.

結局3日分買ったLondon Passはかなり損した勘定。Fast trackもあまり役だたず、もう若くないさと言い訳した。
After all, we lost much by buying the London Pass.  No use of Fast track.  We excused us that we are not young enough for this.

I will write about our stay at Amsterdam later.

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