今日,明日は庄内緑地グリーンプラザ 南館で日本巻柏連合会愛知支部(大層な名前^^;)のイワヒバ展。不肖私も去年から会員だ。展示会は今頃と秋,年に2回開かれる。春の芽生えと秋の紅葉,どちらもイワヒバの見頃の頃ということだろう。
Today and tomorrow, there is held a sales exhibition of Japan Selaginella Association Aichi Chapter (Big deal :-)). I became a member last year. Exhibitions are held around this season and late autumn every year. Selaginella shows new green in spring, and colored leaves in autumn, so these are the best season to show.
本日,私が欲しいと思ったのは,この龍宮城!! 勿論これは展示品で売り物ではない。買ったらいくらになるか想像を絶する。苗がないかと即売場を探したが売っていなかった。残念。イワヒバ探しの楽しみができた。
Today, the one I wanted to have is this one, "Ryugujo" meaning Ocean Palace. Of course this particular one was for exhibition only and not for sale. I cannot imagine how much it would cost if it is available. I sought sales tables for a small one, but in vain. Too bad!! But, I look forward to finding one that I can buy.
龍宮城 |
Giving up "Ryugujo" without anything to do, I bought several that are not similar to ones that I already have.
光鳳 |
"Koho" meaning bright phenix. I like randomly growing leaves.
火山 |
"Kazan", volcano, attracted me by the whitish leaves.
常磐の光 |
"Tokiwanohikari" is well known celebrity. There scarcely any ones that have course leaves like this.
珊瑚閣 |
"Sangokaku", Coral Palace, has coral like leaves as "Taiheiraky" I bought a few weeks ago. The color is pale, and I heard it is the best time for this. As there was a big one exhibited that looked real nice, I added to my shopping bag lastly.
黄牡丹 |
"Kibotan", Yellow Peony, has yellow ~ Lime bright color as the name shows.
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