
巻柏新芽, New buds of Selaginella

イワヒバというのは凄い特性がある。イワヒバの幹のように見える部分は枯れた根の集合にさらに生きた根が食い込んでいるような造りになっている(らしい。) 凄いことに,枯れた根は枯れた根の筈だが,水をやっているとそこから新芽が出てくる。
Japanese Selaginella has wonderful property.  They are immortal.  Things that look like branches of selaginella actually consist of dead roots and live roots growing through inside them some to the soil, I heard.  Even though the dead root is dead, when fed enough water, new leaves come out.
For example, in this picture a small leaves can be seen down left.  This started grow two years ago.  More leaves seem to grow at the base of the root.

This is a close up.  However, since some of them could be buds of "Selaginella involvens" grown from spores, I cannot just be smiling.

This is another stock.  The large leaf beyond the root has grown for a few years from nothing.  This year, a few have started to grow this side.

This is a leaf started from a branch/root of a few inch a few years ago.

All these old roots are covered by moss.  As I keep  the roots wet, they grow there.  On the other hand, I think, humidity is kept there owing to the moss.  Usually, moss is said to deprive nutrition and regarded as an enemy of selaginella.  However, in situation like this, I as an amateur ponder, they look helping each other.

Anyway, they grow really slowly.  I don't know when they grow enough to be worth watching...

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