
Became like it. それらしくなってきた

It's been about a month since their birth day. They grew and look like fish now. This picture was taken with Fuji X-E2 and regular zoom lens. Even though I had to take the picture far from the container in the dim light, I was able to focus fairly well owing to the EVF and focusing function of Fuji camera.

こちらはキャノンEOS Kiss X-2と90mm macroで撮影。マクロレンズなので近くまで因ることは出来た。しかし、薄暗い中ではフォーカスすることも難しく、これは5枚撮った中でもっともまともな物。
This picture was taken with Canon EOS Kiss X-2 and 90mm macro lens. With the macro lens I was able to get very close to the container. But, in the dim light it was hard to focus, and this was the best one of five pictures taken.

I guess I need a macro for my Fuji camera if I keep taking pictures like this.

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