
多肉増加中 Succulents keep increasing

10/11 広島に出かけた。泊まったホテルのショップに,多肉が色々売られていた。本でしか見たこと無い種類だけど,値段は高くない。もっと変える手間は無視して,買った。
Oct. 11, I went to Hiroshima city.  A shop at the hotel I stayed, various succulents are being sold.  I have never seen this except in books, and it is not expensive.  Ignoring the trouble to bring it back, I bought.

ケイリドプシス 慈晃錦

Cheiridopsis candidissima

It is boring to stay in trains on the ways to and from Hiroshima, I surfed internet by my tablet.  I caught one that I have seen before.  What?  Is this Aoenium?  It is the one being sold at Miki flower center.  I thought it was one of Sedum.  Having been made want one, I drove to the shop as soon as I came back home.
アエオニウム 小人の祭り
Aeonium sedifolium
I planned to buy only the aeonium, but after being there I could not stop looking around.  
This Indica looks strong for the rock garden that became a little deserted because of summer heat.  I bought.  I guess it would be hard in winter for it is from China.
シノクラッスラ インディカ
Sinocrassula Indica

Baby Haworthias are sold at fairly low price, so...
ハオルチア パルバ
Haworthia parva
Since the same species were sold much more expensive at the other shop, I got one.
四角鸞鳳玉Astrophytum myriostigma var.quadricostatum
Meanwhile, at night of 13th ones I ordered by net shopping have come.  Luckily, the weekend was three day weekend.
One of them is the one in the middle.  Threesome is a good balance.
ツルギダ ノーコロニー
haworthia turgida
Finally, to recover the past failure, four Sempervivum were ordered.  They should be bright red when colored in autumn/winter.
センペルビブム 百恵,ビッグスリッパー,アップルブロッサム,オーワン
Sempervivum Momoe, Big slipper, Apple Blossom, Ohioan

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