
駒ケ岳に行ってきた(その2) We went to Komagatake Mt. #2

On the second day, we went out to see the National monument Snake stones. I happened to find it on TV a few weeks ago. As we did not want to walk long, I called up the locl government office in the morning to make sure. Although it was Saturday, the officer on duty told me very kindly that we could drive up to very close. Thank you very much, officer!

なるほど、道は細いがなんということなく意外とあっさり道の終点に到着。オートキャンプ場がある。ここからどう行けばいいのか、木陰のデッキチェアで本を読んでいたオジサンに、「蛇石まではまだ歩くんですか?!」と聞くと、側(2mくらい下)の川を指さして、「そこにあるよ」。指の方を見ると、小さな汚い看板が立っていた。拍子抜けしつつもお礼を言って降りていくとありましたね蛇石。一週間前の台風のせいか水量が多く少し濁っていたので、TV程良く見えなかった。も少し周りをきれいにすると天然記念物らしいのに… We were able to arrive at the end of the road, no doubt, unexpectedly very easily. There was a camping ground.Wondering how we should walk from there, I asked a guy reading a book sitting on a deck chair, "How far do we have to walk to the Snake tones?" He pointed to a river a few meters below, and said "It's over there." Looking to the direction, there was a dirty small sign standing. Feeling too easy, I thanked him, and walked down. There it was, the Snake stones. Perhaps because of the tyhoon a week ago , the water were deep and clouded a little. So, it was less clear than the one onTV. And, if the surrounding area had been tidier, it would look like a National monument.

As we winished seeing the Snake stone too soon, it was still morning. Although it had been a low priority, we decided to go see a red Soba field also as it was close from there. This also is a point of interest that I knew last week from my father in low that it was about time.
30分ほどのドライブで到着。村のオジサン、オバサンでやっている感じだ。暫くの里山上り道を我慢して歩くとパッと視界が開け、まあ見事!こりゃあ歩いた甲斐があった。 Just after half an hour drive we arrived. It was like managed by pops nd moms of the village. After we bore to climb a rural road for a while, the view opened, and "Look at this!" It was worth walking.

After viewing the field, and on the way back to the parkig, we tasted red buckwheat noodle listenig to the pops and mom band. Having body, it was delicious.

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