
多肉買った Succulents bought

They are sold in very small pots, and the prices were really cheap.  So, I could not stop buying.  Thankfully, there were notes telling red labels can be planted outdoor.

Sedeveria ダリーダール春雛。これは外で育てられるらしいので,ロックガーデンに植えた。SedeveriaとはSedumsとEcheveriaの交配種らしい。知ってみると何というあたりまえの属名。
Sedeveria Darley Dale.  This seems to be winter hardy, and was added to my small rock garden.  Sedeveria is a crossbreed between Sedum and Echeveria.  After knowing this, the generic name is so obvious.
Darley Dale

次は,セネシオ 万宝。同じセネキオ属のグロボーサムと寄せ植え。形のコントラストはいかが?
Next, Senecio serpens.  I put it in the same pot with Senecio articulatus var.globosum.  Trying to establish a contrast of shapes.
Senecio serpens

フォーカリア 菊波
これは超小さい株なので,何となく買った。広島でケイリドプシス 慈晃錦を買って、メセンを増やす気になってしまったか。

Faucaria cv.  This was in really small pot, and without any special reason, I bought.
Maybe, buying Cheiridopsis candidissima in Hiroshima a month ago made me awake to buy mesembryanthemums.  


Small straight Sansevieria whose id unknown. It was sold in a terrarium with very little soil.  As it looked so miserable, I replanted by separating into two groups.  One was planted back into the original glass pot.  The remaining was planted with Sansevieria humbertiana.

This one was also sold in a very small pot.  I forgot the name, but one of sedums.

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