
卵だ! Eggs!


Don't say "you are like a child", I was very excited when I found  one of my ricefish was swimming with transparent eggs at her hip in my aquarium today. It is common to see baby ricefish in our tiny pond outside. They are born while I do not notice and grow. But, this was the first time I found eggs in my indoor aquarium. Also, it is white ricefish, one of the specials.

メダカが卵を産むまでそのままにしておくこともできた。しかし考えた、それは非常に危険だと。何故なら、産んだ後大きな水槽の中で卵を見つけることは非常に難しいだろうし、水槽の中には食べる奴らが沢山同居している。水草といっしょに母メダカを瓶の中に隔離することにした。まるで母メダカがそうされたがっていたように、隔離は簡単に済んだ。その後私は数時間外出しなくてはならない用事があった。帰ってくるなり、瓶に近づくと、母メダカはもう卵を持っていなかった。卵を見つけようとしたが見つからない。もう食べちゃったか? その時、妻がコケの先を指差してここにあるよと言った。ありがたい。私の目ではまだ卵を見つけることはできなかったが、母メダカを掬ってタンクに戻した。

I could have left that until it laid them. But, I thought that it would be very dangerous; since it would have been really difficult to find them in a large tank, and also there live many eaters in the tank.  I decided to isolate the mother fish to a small glass container with some plants. It was easily finished as if the mother would like to be isolated. After I finished that, I had to leave it there to go out for several hours. Right after I came back, I went to the container and found the mother did not bear any eggs any more. I was having hard time finding eggs. Had she eaten them? Then, my wife pointed to the tip of one of the moss and said there they were. Thank God. Even though I could not see the eggs with my eyes, I scooped the mother anyway and put it back to the tank.


These are the eggs left.
Can you see?


How about this?


Checking internet, I found it will take about ten days to hatch. Ten days...

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