
事を始末する間に三匹を失った Three were lost during the action


After six month, I did a major reform of my aquarium layout. It is not so big compared to the last several change. I moved a ruffle sword plant whose leaves were covering the front wall of the aquarium because it is planted at foreground. It was OK when it was small plant, but recently each leaf stretches more than 20cm, and it often grows seven to ten leaves if not pruned. Moreover, it duplicated, and now there are two of them.


So, I decided to move one of them to the center of the tank. First I drained water below the surface of the soil so as to minimize making water dirty. The fish gathered to the valley area that I laid out before. Next, vacated the area by removing several rocks that are rumored to purify water. Then dug a hole to place the plant. Finally, dug one of the plants, and placed it into the hole with some soil.


While I poured water to regain original level, I drain some to remove some mudding that I made during the replanting.


Now, the tank looks better having some foreground space that fish can play around. It was easier than expected. However, the damage to the fish turned out to be not so small. The all fish lost appetite for a few days, and two rummy-nose tetra, and one cardinal tetra passed away during the days .

原因は何だったのだろう? 水の汚れが原因か? いや、それより水温だけは注意して調節したが、作業の間に水槽の水全部以上を水道水で置き換えてしまったことによる水質の急激な変化ではないかと思われる。次回は今は使っていないフィルタータンクに一日くらい水道水を貯めておいてから交換しようと思う。

What could be the cause? Is it the mudding of water I made? Rather than that, I suspect  the sudden change of water quality was it because of replacing probably more than all water of the tank with tap water during the process even though I was very careful to adjust water temperature. Probably, I should store tap water in my unused filter tank for a day or so before the next operation someday.

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