I went out to see one of my old friends after no-see of several months. The typhoon #15 was attacking through the south-west part of Japan, and we only had a little of gust and some rain.
Today, we had intermittent rains and sunshine between them. I went out in the garden while sun was shining.
鉢いっぱいのシノブ A potful of fern |
リュウビンタイ Marattiaceae |
バラのシュートが凄い Rose shoot |
お気に入りの多肉テーブル My favorite succulent table |
ネジバナって今頃咲くの? I wonder if this is the season for ladies' tresses? |
このチランジアは生気が少ないのだが、生きている。花だ。 This Tillandsia looks lifeless. But, it is alive! Here is a flower. |
植え替えする場所がない。 Sorry I don't have any place to propagate. |
アエオニウム等 Aeonium, and thing. |
コウモリラン。この種で胞子葉が出たのは初めて。 Staghorn fern. This was the first year to see Foliar frond for this species. |
天照冠"Tenshokan", Heavenly shining crown |
天竜(のつもり) Tenryu, Heavenly Dragon (I assume) |
黄金竜(のつもり) "Koganeryu", Golden dragon (I assume) |
鶴の舞 "Tsurunomai", Dance of crane |
火山 "Kazan", Volcano |
金麒麟 "Kinkirin", Golden Qilin |
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