I thought it a groundless rumor as we often find in the net community. They say horsetail can be propagated by cuttings. Really? Who would believe such a fern can be propagated from cuttings. Anyway I tried. I put five cuttings in an old sake-bottle of water. ;-)
始めは、毎日点検した。点検の頻度は段々数日おきに減っていった。数日前までは何も変化がなかったと思う。しかし、今朝見ると、なんとなんと!! ホンマや!! 5本の内3本に根が出ている。
I checked every day at first. The frequency of checking has decreased to every several days. There were no change until a few days ago, I think.
However, this morning, OMG! it was true!! Three out of five cuttings started to grow roots in the water.
I planted them in a pot that was once one of my tea cups.
Let's see how they will be.
This is one I planted horsetails with roots maybe a month ago. They are soaked in water altogether with a pot. It looks like they started to grow their young shoots. Even though I planted some moss and ground cover plants on the surface of the soil, they are too small to make a good scenery.
Talking about cuttings, this is a lemon plants I pruned also a month ago. I did not notice until today that it started to grow two roots. Surprising, surprising.
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