
爆睡? Dead asleep?


All who keep aquariums worry about how to get rid of uninvited algae that grows from nowhere and at the worst case occupy the tank like spider nets over an ancient ruin. It grows everywhere; on the bottom soil, on the stones, over the surface of aquarium plants that we adore, and over the inside of the tank and obscure the inside of the tank.

Sometimes we use organic substances like pyroligneous acid as algae is said to like alkaline water, or even sometimes chemicals. However, the method I like is to put some creatures that like to eat algae. Some fish, shrimp, and snails eat algae, but all have pros and cons.

Todays story is about the snails. There are several snails commonly used as algae eaters in freshwater aquariums. Currently I have two species of them in my tank. Both of them are relatively new to my tank.

The first one is freshwater limpets; Latin name Septaria porcellana; that is sticking to the flat stone in the picture below. It lives longer than the similar species because it is more firmly stick to the surface of objects and make it hard to be eaten by fish. Yes, there are some fish that like to eat snail, and unfortunately there is one of them, clown loach, in my tank. The unfortunate point is they do not breed in fresh water, so I have to buy some every now and then.

Another one is Mud snail that is lying at the bottom in the picture below. I bought this just a few weeks ago. I bought ten of them, and avoided to put too many in the aquarium by putting only three of them in the aquarium, and the rest were thrown into the pond in the garden. Because, they are said to eat a lot of algae and sometimes they eat all of algae until they starve to die. This snail is also said to live long as it can protect their body tightly with the cap. Also this species breed in fresh water. They lay baby snails instead of eggs!

The one below lay upside down. The first time I saw this, I thought they were dead, all of them. As, I could not bear to see the scene, I hid them behind the bush of plants in the tank. But, to my surprise they appeared in the forecourt a few days laters there were noting to worry about. So, even though I feel a little nervous, I try to believe the snail is just dead asleep.

Another one is downside down. But, it has been motionless about an hour.

Another upside down. You can see the cap shut close.

The mud-snails are making me nervous by their taking nap appearance, but are attractive enough that I look for seeing their babies moving around the tank.

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