I often say "l love gardening.", "I love plants.", or "I love flowers." However, gardening is my very selfish activities , I sometimes feel. We plant plants where we wish, prune branches to shape them as we want, or propagate regardless of whether the plants like it or not.
My aquarium tank, that is partially a small garden, is a typical product of my selfishness. Plants are contained in a small tank where they would not view any sunshine. Many times I relocate plants. I plant them to the new locations after pulling off the plants ignoring severing their roots or even cutting in the middle of the stems just for changing the scenery.
The most I feel selfish when I force plants growing submerged in the water to grow in the air which is called to have emerged leaves, and vice versa. It occurs in the natural environment as some plants are growing in the area that is submerged in rainy seasons and emerged in dry seasons. However, I sympathize with the plants considering the stress they have to bear.
I was successful in this selfish activities by having some plants from submerged to emerged. One is microsorium, another example is cryptocoryne. And, still waiting ruffle sword to be emerged.
普通水中状態でよく見られるミクロソリウム。 Micosorium mostly seen in submerged condition. |
水上葉で育っているクリプトコリネ。 Cryptocoryne growing emerged. |
ラッフル・ソードが水上化するのを待っている。 Ruffle sward I am waiting to be emerged. |
Today I did the opposite. I cut some of chameleon plants and lizard's tails growing in the garden; both of them are common on wet ground of Japan not under the water usually; and planted to have them submerged as I just wanted some change in the tank. Now, they are almost choked while they try being acclimated to the new environment, and I am looking at them feeling thrilled.
ハンゲショウ Lizard's tail |
もう一つのハンゲショウ。左にある白い花はラッフルソードの花。葉が全て水中にあるときも空中で咲く。 Another lizard's tail. The white flower at the left is of the ruffle sword that blooms in the air even when all the remaining part is under water. |
ドクダミ Chameleon plants |
You may have noticed that I am merciful enough to keep some parts of them in the air.
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