
愛燦燦 Bright shining love


President Obama visited Hiroshima peace memorial park today, and stated his message to pledge continuing the effort of abolishing nuclear weapons. However, the realizability of the pledge is perfectly doubtful because of the unchanging agonistic policies of rogue countries and groups. Thinking like that, I am reminded of a song sung by Hibari Misora, "Bright shining love".

It goes like "Humans are sorrowful, sorrowful ones....", but ends with "A life is joyful." Just like todays hag of Obama and one of the nuclear bomb victims invited to the ceremony.

I would like to believe any agonies will be over as time elapses. Like proofing that my climbing onion started to grow a stem after so many weeks of awkward silence.

And, this paphiopedilum started to open the bud after so many weeks.

Likewise, although it seems to be just a dream today, I want to believe in the happy future of human beings.


自分勝手なもの selfish


I often say "l love gardening.", "I love plants.", or "I love flowers." However, gardening is my very selfish activities , I sometimes feel. We plant plants where we wish, prune branches to shape them as we want, or propagate  regardless of whether the plants like it or not.


My aquarium tank, that is partially a small garden, is a typical product of my selfishness. Plants are contained in a small tank where they would not view any sunshine. Many times I relocate plants. I plant them to the new locations after pulling off the plants ignoring severing their roots or even cutting in the middle of the stems just for changing the scenery.


The most I feel selfish when I force plants growing submerged in the water to grow in the air which is called to have emerged leaves, and vice versa. It occurs in the natural environment as some plants are growing in the area that is submerged in rainy seasons and emerged in dry seasons. However, I sympathize with the plants considering the stress they have to bear.

I was successful in this selfish activities by having some plants from submerged to emerged. One is microsorium, another example is cryptocoryne. And, still waiting ruffle sword to be emerged.

Micosorium mostly seen in submerged condition.

Cryptocoryne growing emerged.

Ruffle sward I am waiting to be emerged.


Today I did the opposite. I cut some of chameleon plants and lizard's tails growing in the garden; both of them are common on wet ground of Japan not under the water usually; and planted to have them submerged as I just wanted some change in the tank. Now, they are almost choked while they try being acclimated to the new environment, and I am looking at them feeling thrilled.

Lizard's tail

Another lizard's tail. The white flower at the left is of the ruffle sword that blooms in the air even when all the remaining part is under water.

Chameleon plants

You may have noticed that I am merciful enough to keep some parts of them in the air.


もうしゃがまないでいいよ No more squatting.


The last peony flower. They had us enjoy with their beauty and fragrance.


By the way while I was repotting selaginella, I felt my muscle stiffen since I had to be squatting hours. I thought of having something to sit down. After about a week, today a wooden chair was completed. Although it does not look pretty, but it works perfect except I must be careful about getting tainted by resin.
Side view.
Another reason to made the chair is to get rid of pruned branches stacked at the corner of my garden. Still I have a lot. Sigh.


Is this a reward? ご褒美か?





The season is changing. Orchid season is almost over. These are the last ones. The Paphiopedilum I bought last year may need some days to open the bud. 

It was one day last year as usual I went to a gardening shop near my house and found this on sale. This one with complete black flower had been attracting me wildly. However, I hesitated buying because I believed a Phphiopedilum of leaves with patchy patters are difficult to grow. Finally, the desire won. 

However, the plant had been substantiating my fear by showing very little growth compared with the other similar ones I have, until this early spring. At first I thought it was a died leaf or something that a black stuff was noticed near one of the leaves. The length of the stem was about two third of the leaves. One day I wore my glasses and found out it was a small bud. Still, it was so small and fragile, and I could not believe it would grow well. After that much to one's unease, the bud grew slowly but steadily, and also the leaves around it grew well. It is almost there. I hope this will repeat every year.

It's been about ten days since I started repotting selaginellas. Of course I have not continued doing this, but the last several days were almost devoted to the work. It is a tedious work, but needs close attentions and careful handling. After pulling out a plant, by looking at the condition of the roots of each pot, I have to chose the size of pot to replant, adjust an amount of fertilizer, and think over what was wrong if the condition is not so satisfactory. This morning I finished all of them. They look fresher and I hope they will brow vigorously.

While I was replanting, I found several babies are growing in the pots. I planted some of them in smaller pots.

This is "Angel's dance".

This is "Chinese flower".

After I finished I found one raspberry that is growing near the selaginella shelf was ripened. It tasted fresh and ripe. I guess this is additional reword for my lengthy work besides the fresher looking selaginellas.

The raspberry tree does not grow much. Every year one shoot comes out, give us a few berries, and die. This year, the second shoot came out for the first time. We may be able to expect berries in autumn.


It rains 雨が降ります雨が降る



It was planned to continue repotting selaginellas today that I started since several days ago. The weather was predicted to rain from the afternoon, but it started to rain a little around 8 in the morning. I have to give up the repotting. Instead I planted hydrangea cuttings on the ground. When rain gets more, it will be good for the plants to get steady. They may be a little bit smaller for this, but I got a little tired of taking care of the potted hydrangea constantly worrying of watering them. Since the ground consists mostly of clay soil I dig a larger hole for them and filled the hole with a lot of organic compost and buried them there with some sand on top. Still I have to consider where to plant the remaining three pots, but at least these two became safe on the cosy partially shaded ground.

Peonies fully opened their petals today at last.

From a slightly different angle.

The Angela is fine too.


5月といえば Speaking of May



I remember a phrase in my English textbook used at our junior high. "Roses in May." Indeed it is true. Our Angela is in good much flower. This year there are much less bugs on the rose, so the number of healthy flowers and buds are greater than usual. I suspect it is because of the weather this year. This spring, temperature cycled between high and low violently. Even yesterday, I had to pull out a heavy blanket to sleep with. I believe this weather discouraged insects to move around or multiply. 


Following Angela, peony is about to bloom. This is given to us by my mother-in-law last year. Since we moved the plants just before flowering season, we were not able to see flowers. Also, I pruned branches of trees above the plant to give it more sunlight. This year there are seven buds about to flower.


Last year, I put cuttings of viola into a small bowl and a pond in the garden thinking it would prolong their lives longer maybe a few days. To my surprise after all, the cuttings were living more than a month and kept flowering. I decided to follow the success of last year, water cultivation of violas.


My wife found buds of perilla were germinating in the corner of the garden. I think seeds came from our neighbors. She asked me to replant it into pots a few weeks ago so that it is easy to use for cooking. Now they grew in  a pot full of leaves.

Talking about edible stuffs, the walnuts tree bears a lot of small fruits. Usually, most of them drop down and only one or two grow to mature. We'll see how it will be this year.

Again an Angela tree behind a marsh marrow bush.


どっちかな Which is it?



This geranium, I mean pelargonium, does not grow well. This is the appearance after cutting branches, but as it shows the branches grow nonsensely long with less leaves, and do not look healthy.
The name is Pelargonium sidoides, it seems. It took long to find out because I googled by the words of geranium. Today, I tried geranium, small leaves, violet, and found at last. If I knew it is pelargonium and searched with it, it would have been easier.


The reason I googled is to find tips to grow this plant besides to find  name. However, the sites that tells about the plant all says it is an easy plant.
As I found nothing special I can do after all, I decided to pant cuttings.

普通、園芸植物として栽培されるものはゼラニウムと総称されるが、紛らわしいことに、ゼラニウムとは同じ科のゲンノショウコなどが含まれるフウロソウ属 (Geranium) のことでもある。この2つの属に属する植物は元は Geranium 属にまとめられていたが、1789年に多肉質の Pelargonium 属を分離した。園芸植物として栽培されていたテンジクアオイ類はこのときに Pelargonium 属に入ったのであるが、古くから Geranium (ゼラニウム、ゲラニウム)の名で親しまれてきたために、園芸名としてはゼラニウムの呼び名が残ったのである。園芸店などでも、本属植物の一部をラテン名で ペラルゴニウム (Pelargonium) で呼び、その一方で本属植物の一部を「ゼラニウム」と呼んでいることがあり、これらは全然別の植物のような印象を与えていることがある。ペラルゴニウムとゼラニウムを意識的に区別している場合は、ペラルゴニウム属のうち一季咲きのものをペラルゴニウム、四季咲きのものをゼラニウムとしているようである。

As I don't remember what is pelargonium and what is geranium, I googled this too by this occasion.
According to Wikipedia,
Pelargonium /ˌpɛlɑːrˈɡoʊniəm/[3] is a genus of flowering plants which includes about 200 species of perennials, succulents, and shrubs, commonly known as geraniums (in the United States also storksbills). Confusingly, Geranium is the botanical name (and also common name) of a separate genus of related plants often called cranesbills. Both genera belong to the family Geraniaceae. Linnaeus originally included all the species in one genus, Geranium, and they were later separated into two genera by Charles L’Héritier in 1789. Pelargonium species are evergreen perennials indigenous to temperate and tropical regions of the world, with many species in southern Africa. They are drought and heat tolerant, but can tolerate only minor frosts. Some species are extremely popular garden plants, grown as bedding plants in temperate regions.


置物じゃあねぇわ I'm not an ornament.

I think it is about time that they go back to cooler places, but one shrike came to our garden to take a bath.

I took pictures of it and they turned out to be pictures of some ornaments in my garden. 
