
危なかった It was a close call.


After breakfast, as usual I was walking in the garden pinching finished flowers of pansies, exchanging a pot of calluna and checker berry near a window with a pot of flowering snapdragon, move the pot to a shady area,  pruning young leaves on trees, and searching aphids on young leaves of rose.

Berries of checker berries were all taken by bulbuls.

French Oak vividly grow new branches, and the ground under it gets shady if I fail to monitor the situation.

その時偶然、先日外に出した月下美人の鉢を見た。葉に何か付いている。カマキリの卵嚢だ。冬中内の中で育てていたのに気が付かなかったのだ。良かった〜! もし外に出していなかったら、部屋の中はカマキリの赤ちゃんと妻の叫び声で満たされているところだった。

Then by chance, I looked at a pot of queen of the night I brought out a few days ago. There is something on the leaf. An egg sac of mantis! I never noticed this while I was keeping the pot indoor whole winter. Lucky me. If I did not bring this outside early enough, the room would have been a full of baby insects and scream of my wife.


There is another egg sac that I know in the garden. At the top of this tree. Even though I was planning to prune this branch in winter, I waited not to because of this egg sac.

I don't know if it is a myth or not, but it is said if a mantis lay eggs at a higher place, it would snow heavily in the winter. This past winter was exceptionally warm in this area. So, I thought the mother laid the egg at the top of the tree made a big mistake. But there was another mother that correctly predicted the warm weather.

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