I came back home after about ten day's absence, and found my selaginella looked strange. In many pots new leaves were cutaway miserably. WTF??!!
ナメクジ? ナメクジ駆除薬撒いてみた。
そういえばこないだ珍しく多めに肥料をやったな,あれかも? そうだとすると植え替えかなぁ・・・。
"Was this done by slug?", asking myself I poured pesticide for slugs.
"Wait a minute, I gave a little larger amount of fertilizer than usual. Was it the cause? If so I have to replant them." Then, I googled, and found there are articles about armyworms.
At night ignoring attacks of mosquitoes, I surveyed the pots with a hand torch. There were not slug, but on one pot were a armyworm. "Take this and die!", I stomped on it.
Searching a storage, I found another pesticide that is effective for armyworms. Usually, this is used for worms on leaves, so mixed with filming agent. But, in this case the worms are mostly in soil and I thought the sticky agent might be bad for selaginella leaves, and decided to use it by itself. Mixed with water, I poured a lot. "Do you like it? M.F.!!"
Next morning, there found one dead worm.
In the afternoon two more, but one adult moth flew away that I assumed just emerged from a cocoon. So, the battle continues.
毎日水やりをするので薬の効果も薄れるだろうと,翌週にも撒いた。薬が無くなってしまったので,新たに買い増しに行った。住友化学のサイトによると撒いた薬は,葉っぱに付いているのに効果大のようだ。他にも二種類効く薬がある。 一つはデナポン5%ベイト。名前の通り,土の上に置くと,土中の虫がおびき寄せられて食べて死ぬらしい。
I applied it next week, thinking as I water every day, the efficacy would diminish. I used up most of the stocks, so I went to buy more. According to the site of Mumitomo chemical garden product, the pesticide I used is most effective for the worms on leaves. There I found two more that are effective to armyworms. One is a kind of Carbaryl bait. As the name shows, it attracts worms in the soil and kill them.
And, standrad Orthoran. This kills worms in the soil, and also kills worms that eat the plants since plants absorbs and store in their body. I should have kept this in my stocks and applied regularly.
I felt like I can understand the people who keep on owning nuclear weapons.