High of 37 Celcius continues every day. Low is higher than 25. It is hot and humd like in a bathroom to walk out into stairway even in the mid-night. Unbelievable...
This afternoon thinking it's not good to stay too long in a air-conditioned room, I walked in our garden.
Only one walnut in this year keeps on growing.
Agaves are enjoying their summer. The smaller in front is the one I planted on the ground this past spring.
Indian laurel is from semi-tropical, and fine without much water. A sedum next to it, that is supposed to like heat, looks a little tired.
A stag-horn fern needs water, but likes hot season. It grew over the pot. I will need to re-plant next year, probably.
ここから出てきたのか。冬虫夏草の胞子でもばら撒きたいところだEvery year buzz of cicadas is terribly wild. We cannot sleep when they starts crying "Gee, gee, Shah, shah" from around six in the morning.
Looks like one of them came from this hole. I really hope to spray spore of Cordyceps Sinensis.
流石に暑さでかなり参っているようだが,バラがまた咲き出した。写真に撮ってみたら左端にチョッキリ発見 (笑)
Thought tired from hot weather, a rose started to bloom. Weevil was included in the picture without my notice. ;-(
Queen of the night has a bud, but fairly damaged. I wonder if it will bloom?
Tired cicada is murmuring at the base of a wood in the shade.
Sempervivum was boiled last year, but this year they are still surviving. I placed them at the coolest place in our garden that is in the shade in front of the entrance. Also, I give water very sparingly.
Beaten up butterfly.
That once noisy and annoying cicada looks piteous after this.
It should have been an instance of eclosion, but passed away during that. It should have been a time to fly at last. Is this because of unusual hotness? Namaste...
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