
平成28年度巻柏之銘鑑 FY 2016 Selaginella directory



Today, a copy of annual "Selaginella directory" of the last year was sent to my home. It lists the most popular selaginella species in the last year, and is issued by Japan Selaginella Federation every year. Similar directories were published since long time ago. The oldest one like this was published in 1843. The current series of directories started in 1947 when the federation was founded. It was not every year until 1957, so this is the sixty-four issue.

It is interesting to see the elegance of names. Some of them are like the names of Sumo wrestlers. And, exact same names are used the other traditional plants in Japan that have been loved more than hundred years, and Saleginella is one of them. Examples of them are "Furan", Neofinetia falcata - a kind of orchid- ; "Omoto", Japanese rhodea, "Sekkoku" Dendrobium moniliforme. I think, probably, the names represent the taste of Japonism.

I marked the species that I own. There are many that I do not have, and at the same time many that are not listed of which I own. Way so far to be called a maniac, but so small my garden is to be a maniac.

Compared with the last year's issue, this year six were newly registered while it was two in the last year. The other listings are almost same, but a little difference.

Among what I own, eighteen were not listed this year.


水栽培 Hydroponics

This season I tried something that I haven't for a long time. A hydroponics of Hyacinth bulbs. It has been since I was a kid. I knew it has to be kept in the dark while they are growing roos long enough. So I put them in a cardboard box with a sign of "Caution! Hydroponics inside."

It has been more than a month. They grew their roots and started to show their buds.

ここまでは良い。私はこいつらを暗闇から出して窓際に置くことにした。 葉と花がその内現れることを期待して。さあ、どうなるか・・・
So far, so good. I decided to take them from the dark and put near a window hoping their leaves and flowers soon. We'll see how they grow.

Talking about flowers, dendrobium started to show the flower buds.

I am not sure about Coelogyne whether these are flower buds or leaf buds.

Vandas have flower buds, too.

Cheiridopsis started to grow the babies. Until last season I did not know I have to stop watering while babies replacing their mothers, and let some died. Last season it survived as I stopped watering until a mother plant was completely sucked by her babies. Now it is the time to be patient and let the nature do the job.

A Pleiospilos has not started to grow the baby, yet. A little worry.


酉年に鳥の害 Damage by birds in a Bird year

This Clematis blooms in winter. It has lot of buds this year. They will bloom soon.

But looking closely, some of them have holes. Somebody ate them.

Camellia has started to bloom.

 This, too, were eaten by somebody.

私の推測は鳥が食べたのだと思う。 うちには沢山の種類の鳥が来る。
My guess is they were eaten by birds. Many kinds of birds come to our home.

They don't look like eating these seeds.

Or this flower. I don't know why.

Blueberry does not drop leaves in autumn.

Red deepen, display remaining leaves, branches in winter.

In a room, two species of tilandias are almost flowering.