
寛容? 無情? それとも辛抱強い愛? Tolerance? Heartlessness? or Persevering love?

I think there are no other flowers that has conflicting meanings. Some are appraisals, some are negative meanings. Probably it is because of the unusual character of changing color of flowers and a love story of Dr. Siebold and Ms. Taki Kusumoto.

It originates in Japan, and so it is definitely loved by Japanese. There are many popular parks and temples populated with varieties of hydrangeas.

Well, preambles have gone on too long, there are several different hydrangea species also in my garden, and some of them has just started to bloom.

This was kindly given cutting from one of our neighbors. The round petals are unique.

This is the famous Annabel.

And, several others will follow.

Also, however, some do deny to bloom for years after I planted them. I don't know it is because of sunshine, watering or something else.

This was given by a friend of my wife when we visited her home many years ago. It stopped flowering after I replanted this a few years ago that is not unusual. Considering the figure I think this will probably flower in the next season.