
石盛レイアウト Rock mount layout

This is based on a design that was taken from the one on facebook to plant long stem succulents on a high mound made in a shallow pot.  I could not stop trying this even in today's pouring rainfall.  I know it will not look so good until the center sedum grows long.


アガベを四角いポットに植えてみた Agave replanted in a rectangular pot

Without any reason, I have been planting Agaves in round pots.  Round ones occupy spaces, and became stereotyped, so I tried to use a rectangular pot.
Isn't it cool?

Put some rocks.  How about it, now?


多肉増加中 Succulents keep increasing

10/11 広島に出かけた。泊まったホテルのショップに,多肉が色々売られていた。本でしか見たこと無い種類だけど,値段は高くない。もっと変える手間は無視して,買った。
Oct. 11, I went to Hiroshima city.  A shop at the hotel I stayed, various succulents are being sold.  I have never seen this except in books, and it is not expensive.  Ignoring the trouble to bring it back, I bought.

ケイリドプシス 慈晃錦

Cheiridopsis candidissima

It is boring to stay in trains on the ways to and from Hiroshima, I surfed internet by my tablet.  I caught one that I have seen before.  What?  Is this Aoenium?  It is the one being sold at Miki flower center.  I thought it was one of Sedum.  Having been made want one, I drove to the shop as soon as I came back home.
アエオニウム 小人の祭り
Aeonium sedifolium
I planned to buy only the aeonium, but after being there I could not stop looking around.  
This Indica looks strong for the rock garden that became a little deserted because of summer heat.  I bought.  I guess it would be hard in winter for it is from China.
シノクラッスラ インディカ
Sinocrassula Indica

Baby Haworthias are sold at fairly low price, so...
ハオルチア パルバ
Haworthia parva
Since the same species were sold much more expensive at the other shop, I got one.
四角鸞鳳玉Astrophytum myriostigma var.quadricostatum
Meanwhile, at night of 13th ones I ordered by net shopping have come.  Luckily, the weekend was three day weekend.
One of them is the one in the middle.  Threesome is a good balance.
ツルギダ ノーコロニー
haworthia turgida
Finally, to recover the past failure, four Sempervivum were ordered.  They should be bright red when colored in autumn/winter.
センペルビブム 百恵,ビッグスリッパー,アップルブロッサム,オーワン
Sempervivum Momoe, Big slipper, Apple Blossom, Ohioan


今日の巻柏 Selaginellas today

10月だというのに,台風のせいか毎日蒸し暑い。未だ,時々水不足で葉巻させてしまう。(汗) 紅葉はどうなるかなぁ。
Although October, it is muggy everyday perhaps because of repeating typhoon.  Sometimes, I let them roll their leaves by insufficient watering.  How the color leaves will be...   

Tenshokan.  The lower leaves are dead, and the rolls of leaves are loose.  How will it be?
天照冠 Tenshokan
Ryuoushishi.  The newer leaves look fine, but brown spots and untidy shape make me feel uneasy.
Fukiden is fairly in orthodox shape.
Kagamijishi is OK.
This Golden dragon is dangerous.  Leaves in the middle are brownish.
Compared with that, this Golden dragon looks OK.

Chinese flower looks OK.
New leaves of this unknown species growing good with Katahiba and moss.
This is also unknown, but the largest of mine.
I am having it grow on the stone.  Wild species.

I guess this is Blue dragon.  This one is large, too.

Unknown.  Planted on the stone this year.

無名 これも今年から石に植えた
Unknown.  Also planted on a stone.


育ってます They are growing.

Succulent that I bought at yearly exhibit and sales event in September are growing rapidly.
For example, this one.
It was like this when I bought. 
Crassulaceae Adromithcus

 and arranged.

 Became like this.  The new leaves has grown fairly large.  While, every time I tough it the leaves drop off and there are almost no original leaves...

The next one is too obvious.
One that was like this
Senecio articulatus var.globosum

became this!  In the internet articles this species is supposed to have babies sideward, but why growing upward???

駒ケ岳に行ってきた(その2) We went to Komagatake Mt. #2

On the second day, we went out to see the National monument Snake stones. I happened to find it on TV a few weeks ago. As we did not want to walk long, I called up the locl government office in the morning to make sure. Although it was Saturday, the officer on duty told me very kindly that we could drive up to very close. Thank you very much, officer!

駒ケ岳に行ってきた(その1) We went to Komagatake Mt. #1

9/21-23 駒ケ岳に行ってきた、と言ってもロープウェイで登って、千畳敷カールを散歩しただけだけど。(笑)
We went to Mt. Komagamine. Said that, we just took a walk t Senjojiki curl. ;-P
一番天気が良いと思われた初日にバス停駐車場に500円で車を置いてバスとロープウェイで登った。お花畑には遅く紅葉には早いので空いていて、バスは一本待ちで乗れた。 今頃は紅葉が見ごろなんだろうなぁ。
We climbed by a bus and a ropeway after we parked our car at the parking next to the bus station on the first day since it was supposes to be the best weather. Since the season was too late for mountain flowers and too early for the colored leaves, there were rather few sightseers and we were able to get on the second bus.
The view from the ropeway was like this.

We can walk around the curl trail way in about an hour. The sceanary was more beautiful than expected as we were able to enjoy some flowers and red fruits of . More than anything, the mountains and the sky were fabulous.


We were able to view Mt. Fuji.


秋の準備その2 Prepare for autumn #2.

次は多肉、 日本の夏は多くの外国生まれの多肉にとって苦難の日々。特に地植えされた者は堪らない。
Next, succulents.  Japanese summer is torture for many of succulents born in foreign countries.  Especially, ones planted on the ground.
多くのセダムが蒸れ死んで逝った。一部はダニなのか蜘蛛の巣状の糸だらけ。 殺ダニ剤も撒いたが、こんな時はローテーションだな。 傷んでしまった吹上は弟分と一緒に鉢植えで養生。 隣も養生中のアガベ。
Many sedums were steamed and died.  Some of them were surrounded by silk of spiders or mites.   Spraying pesticide is not enough, rotation is needed at the time like this.  Damaged Agave stricta was planted in a pot and will be nursed.  The smaller pot is also Agave in nursing.

Instead I planted an Agave that has been hardy during summer and winter, and aromaticus that I don't know about winter hardiness.

This is a newly bought Crassula capitella.  I expect it is heat and cold hardy without any proof.
茜の塔 Crassula capitella 

While replanting, I replaced surface soil that was very fine with course grain porous sand.  This may prevent needle ice, too.

 アエオニウムは日陰・水無しで耐えたが、ボロボロ。 最悪はサンバースト。何これ状態に!!
Aeonium that bore shade and water-less summer became tattered.  The worst is sunburst.  WTH!!
とんでもないサンバースト Sunburst unrecognizable!

The others were almost surviving, cut some branched, dried them a week, and made into an artistic? group planting.


秋の準備その1 Prepare for autumn #1.

The autumn when I long to do gardening came after the summer when there is nothing to do except watering ended.
Pruning too long branches, storing summer pots with finished flowers, moving pots protected from summer heat to sunny place, moving indoor pots to outdoor, moving outdoor pots to indoor, taking care of pots that are fragile during hot season, I cannot finish chores.
そして繁殖もしてしまうし、鉢を買うつもりが、ついつい新しい植物も買ってしまう (^^ゞ のでますます終わらない。
And, propagating, and not being able to stop buying new plants having intended to to buy pots only, the work won't possibly end.
But, when I look at plants  done re-make up, I cannot stop grinning.
Starting from ferns,
何年もアオネカヅラがいまいちのままだったが、今年は随分育ちがいい。休眠する筈の夏に育っている。高植えにしたのが良かったか、肥料が良かったか、訳はわからない。 スプリンクラー付の育成棚から、室内に 引っ張り出してきた。
Since a few years ago, this Polypodium niponicum was not doing good, but this year it grows really well.  During summer when it is supposed to hibernate it has been growing.  Because I raised the soil base, or fertilizing, the reason is unknown.  It was moved from a farming shelf with sprinkler to our living room.   

This one propagation looks fine.  It was moved from the same shelf to light shaded area.

This is Neolepisorus truncatus Ching et P. S. Wang, I guess, that was not doing well during summer, but I was surprised to see some good leaves were there.  I cannot decide what to do about the other regular ferns.

This one, I put in front of our entrance door.

This is new to us.  Phyllitis scolopendrium that I bought at the wild plants shop at Komagane city when we traveled to there a few weeks ago.  My wife calls it as a lettuce.