Clerodendrum ugandense, Blue Wing, it has many names. In my house, it appeared as Blue Butterfly.
Several years, it stayed small, but from this month several shoot stated to grow fast. By googling, I found out that it is a quasi-vine type. I understood OK it is like Bougainvillea. So, I have to do something to guide vines. Although I can easily buy something at a nearby shop, but I am not happy to own more stuffs. I made country looking one myself.
I have been noticing our Loropetalum Chinense is crowded too much. So, I pruned several branches of proper size, tied them hemp codes. I was cautious enough to protect myself from mosquitoes by pyrethrum coils.
When I pushed it into soil, it may have cut roots. We will see...
コルディリネ水挿し, Propagating Cordyline #2
About ten days ago, I posted Cordyline propagation. How they are afterwords? First, roots. There came small roots from the brakes of skins. Many.
There are roos that came from cut end.
The leave has grown a little.
About ten days ago, I posted Cordyline propagation. How they are afterwords? First, roots. There came small roots from the brakes of skins. Many.
There are roos that came from cut end.
The leave has grown a little.
It goes well like this.
巻柏展示会・即売会 Selaginella sales exhibition
今日,明日は庄内緑地グリーンプラザ 南館で日本巻柏連合会愛知支部(大層な名前^^;)のイワヒバ展。不肖私も去年から会員だ。展示会は今頃と秋,年に2回開かれる。春の芽生えと秋の紅葉,どちらもイワヒバの見頃の頃ということだろう。
Today and tomorrow, there is held a sales exhibition of Japan Selaginella Association Aichi Chapter (Big deal :-)). I became a member last year. Exhibitions are held around this season and late autumn every year. Selaginella shows new green in spring, and colored leaves in autumn, so these are the best season to show.
本日,私が欲しいと思ったのは,この龍宮城!! 勿論これは展示品で売り物ではない。買ったらいくらになるか想像を絶する。苗がないかと即売場を探したが売っていなかった。残念。イワヒバ探しの楽しみができた。
Today, the one I wanted to have is this one, "Ryugujo" meaning Ocean Palace. Of course this particular one was for exhibition only and not for sale. I cannot imagine how much it would cost if it is available. I sought sales tables for a small one, but in vain. Too bad!! But, I look forward to finding one that I can buy.
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龍宮城 |
Giving up "Ryugujo" without anything to do, I bought several that are not similar to ones that I already have.
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光鳳 |
"Koho" meaning bright phenix. I like randomly growing leaves.
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火山 |
"Kazan", volcano, attracted me by the whitish leaves.
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常磐の光 |
"Tokiwanohikari" is well known celebrity. There scarcely any ones that have course leaves like this.
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珊瑚閣 |
"Sangokaku", Coral Palace, has coral like leaves as "Taiheiraky" I bought a few weeks ago. The color is pale, and I heard it is the best time for this. As there was a big one exhibited that looked real nice, I added to my shopping bag lastly.
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黄牡丹 |
"Kibotan", Yellow Peony, has yellow ~ Lime bright color as the name shows.
風蘭 生木付 Neofinetia falcata on a tree
Loving plants and flowers too much, number of pots grows unconsciously, and it is not easy to find a place to store. Especially plants not hard for coldness are cumbersome to be brought indoor during winter.
Last year, I tried to plant an epiphytic orchid on a live tree. The orchid is Japanese Vanda suppose to be relatively hard to coldness and dryness. In case it may fail, I split the stock in half and used one of the halves. Wrapping sphagnum around a tree trunk, I bound the orchid onto it. There was no sign of dying as time passed. Recently, I was please to find roots started to grip into tree skin after I didn't looked at it carefully for a while. When shaking it, I felt stayed firmer without cranking than I expected.
Loving plants and flowers too much, number of pots grows unconsciously, and it is not easy to find a place to store. Especially plants not hard for coldness are cumbersome to be brought indoor during winter.
Last year, I tried to plant an epiphytic orchid on a live tree. The orchid is Japanese Vanda suppose to be relatively hard to coldness and dryness. In case it may fail, I split the stock in half and used one of the halves. Wrapping sphagnum around a tree trunk, I bound the orchid onto it. There was no sign of dying as time passed. Recently, I was please to find roots started to grip into tree skin after I didn't looked at it carefully for a while. When shaking it, I felt stayed firmer without cranking than I expected.
貼り付く気根 Roots stick on the tree
More surprising thing is there were three flower stems growing.
花茎 One of the flower stems
Hopefully it will stay, but I can't be too relaxed because I heard that the flowering is an activity to create descendants when a stock is in danger.
カエルくんに見張ってもらっている。 w
I ask a frog to watch it carefully. lol
By comparison, the remaining half was put on fern trunk, but it does not grow very well.
くるみ Walnut
When I was a student, we were involved in a small car accident. There were walnut trees at the police station where we went then. I found out that the berry of a walnut looks like young and small Japanese pear berry. Yes, a Japanese pear is round like an apple.
As I wanted to see them again, I planted walnut trees in our garden when we moved. Also, one of the workmen working for our house told me "Furan"; one type of epiphytic orchids, Japanese Ascofinetia; grows well on a walnut tree, and that had some influenced. However, I haven't tried this yet, because the tree is still too small.
As I heard we need more than one tree to get berries, I planted two. But, one died soon. Since then, it has grown without a partner more than ten years. It blooms every recent year, and we can see small berry-like-stuffs, but they drop in short time, and it was only once two years ago that we saw a ripen berry. Just only one.
This year there remains one berry still. As it is sitting on one branch like using it as a pillow, it would tolerate some wind. We look forward to it ripen.
2013 クルミの実 Walnut |
In June 2011, there was also only one berry like the picture. We were watching it nervously for fear it might fall anytime.
We were able to eat meat inside.
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2011 June |
Actually, it had grown until September, and came a familiar walNUT from inside the berry.
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2011 Only one walnut! |
We were able to eat meat inside.
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2011 Inside |
同じのを買ってしまうんだよね, Tend to buy one that I have already had.
Japanese Selaginella has varieties of species even if you count registered ones only. As the space is limited, I am determined to have one pot for one species. Although I don't have so many, it looks like I just cannot remember what I am keeping.
I was not able to stop buying "Tenshokan" loving this curled leaves. So, I should have remembered well, but surprisingly I have bought two of them without even noticing. It might have been the same day.
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天照冠 小さい方 "Tenshokan" The smaller one |
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天照冠 大きい方 "Tenshokan" The Larger one |
巻柏新芽, New buds of Selaginella
イワヒバというのは凄い特性がある。イワヒバの幹のように見える部分は枯れた根の集合にさらに生きた根が食い込んでいるような造りになっている(らしい。) 凄いことに,枯れた根は枯れた根の筈だが,水をやっているとそこから新芽が出てくる。
Japanese Selaginella has wonderful property. They are immortal. Things that look like branches of selaginella actually consist of dead roots and live roots growing through inside them some to the soil, I heard. Even though the dead root is dead, when fed enough water, new leaves come out.
For example, in this picture a small leaves can be seen down left. This started grow two years ago. More leaves seem to grow at the base of the root.
This is a close up. However, since some of them could be buds of "Selaginella involvens" grown from spores, I cannot just be smiling.
This is another stock. The large leaf beyond the root has grown for a few years from nothing. This year, a few have started to grow this side.
This is a leaf started from a branch/root of a few inch a few years ago.
All these old roots are covered by moss. As I keep the roots wet, they grow there. On the other hand, I think, humidity is kept there owing to the moss. Usually, moss is said to deprive nutrition and regarded as an enemy of selaginella. However, in situation like this, I as an amateur ponder, they look helping each other.
Anyway, they grow really slowly. I don't know when they grow enough to be worth watching...
Japanese Selaginella has wonderful property. They are immortal. Things that look like branches of selaginella actually consist of dead roots and live roots growing through inside them some to the soil, I heard. Even though the dead root is dead, when fed enough water, new leaves come out.
For example, in this picture a small leaves can be seen down left. This started grow two years ago. More leaves seem to grow at the base of the root.
This is a close up. However, since some of them could be buds of "Selaginella involvens" grown from spores, I cannot just be smiling.
This is another stock. The large leaf beyond the root has grown for a few years from nothing. This year, a few have started to grow this side.
This is a leaf started from a branch/root of a few inch a few years ago.
All these old roots are covered by moss. As I keep the roots wet, they grow there. On the other hand, I think, humidity is kept there owing to the moss. Usually, moss is said to deprive nutrition and regarded as an enemy of selaginella. However, in situation like this, I as an amateur ponder, they look helping each other.
Anyway, they grow really slowly. I don't know when they grow enough to be worth watching...
アガベ生き残り Agave survived
6月22日 アガベの葉挿しを植え替えた。去年秋に手に入れた新入りの耐寒性が分からず,冬も外に出しておいたら腐ってしまった。挿しておいた残りの葉っぱが元気なので根が出ている感じだ。鉢が大きすぎるとこれからの高湿度の季節に良くないかと考え,小さい鉢に植え替えることにした。
June 22, I replanted a leaf of Agave. It went rotten last winter because I left it outdoor. I did not know the cold tolerance since I bought it last autumn. As one remaining leaf that I took apart from the rotten body and planted separately in the sand looks OK still now, the roots may have started growing. As the pot I planted is too big for a small leaf, I started to worry that it is not good to go through coming hot and humid summer, and decided to replant to a smaller pot.
これは去年の元気な姿。 This was last autumn when it was still fine.
今は,これだ。 Now, like this.
Digging softly around the leaf, there are roots as expected. But, they are still few and weak. Maybe I should have left it as it was a little while more.
Anyway, it is in a smaller pot now. Go grow, please!!
名札には Agave Guiengola とあるが,ネットで調べるとかなり見かけが違うものから似たものまで色々出てくる。少々名前は心配だなぁ。
On the label, it is written as Agave Giungola. But, when I googled, there were varieties of hits. Some are similar to this, and some are totally different. I don't feel easy about the name.
ファイヤークラッカー再生 Fire Cracker reborn
June 22, weather was fine after several day's continuous rain. I was wandering in our garden to see if there is anything new. Behind the house where I am keeping potted plants while they are not displayed, I glimpsed something that were not there before.
Begonia. I replanted two stocks that formed buds before, and abandoned remaining soil in this large pot. After all, surprisingly all three stocks are live.
I dug out the stock and replanted in a separate pot. It was too bad that I couldn't find proper pot, and decided to use one a little too shallow and heaped up soil around the stock. I have to keep it well drained because it is not so strong against both hot and cold seasons.
The stocks replanted before have already started to grow fast. One of them started blooming. It seems they are vigorous than I thought.
This is a picture of them in full bloom last June.
In summer it is damaged, so I moved it to shaded area and had it survive by keeping it fairly dry. In winter I kept it inside of a room, but all leaves went out. I watered it a little to maintain some humidity while worrying it might have died. I am pleased that I did my best.
奥殿陣屋 Okutonojinnya
5月18日 奥殿陣屋に行ってきた。去年も同じような時期に来たので二度目だ。
On May 18, we visited Okutonojinnya. This was the second time. We came here last year in about the same season. It is located in the soothing rural area off city of Okazaki near Tomoegawa river that is flowing into Yahagi river in some downstream. This year and also two years ago, bush warblers were merrily singing.
Originally, this was a capitol house of Okutono-domain that was a close relative of Tokugawa-shogun. Now, it is a natural park where we can enjoy flowers in all four seasons. I hope we can come back in different season, some time.
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バラが綺麗だった Nice roses. |
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バラ園の辺りは庭園というより畑の趣。畑にふさわしく、作業小屋の前の棚にはキウイの花が咲いていた。 Rose area is a croft rather than a garden. Appropriately, Kiwi flowers were blooming on a pergola in front of the hut for field workers. |
At the side of a walkway beyond the library house, there was a Chinese Fringe Tree
, probably, in full bloom.
In the library house, there was a sales exhibits of laces. In the Kinryutei restaurant that has a style of Edo-era, we can have seasonal lunch such as bamboo shoot rice bowl, and at Jinya tea-house you can shop souvenir and have snack. We can shop fresh vegetable and nursery plats grown by local farmers at the vegetable shop at reasonable price.
We were there about the same season last year, but it was too early for roses, and I remember peonies in the garden and azalea at the hedge.
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2012のツツジ Asalea in 2012 |
This is the Japanese garden. It is surprising that this is located among non-descriptive rural area.
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2012 日本庭園 Japanese garden. |
Last year, there were a antique flea market and a sales exhibit of glass art. We just looked antiques, but bought a couple of glassware that are still popular at home.
Moreover, it is wonderful that the entrance and parking are all free.
可児陶芸協会作陶展, Kani Pottery Art Association Exhibition
It was May 25, we visited Flower Festa Memorial Park at Kani city, as we heard it was about the best time for the rose garden there. As we expected, roses were really fascinatingly beautiful, very much different from when we visited a few years ago.
Right inside EAST Gate, inside the conservatory named Flower-topia, there was an exhibition of dwarf azaleas. We ware able to see many unique azaleas we have never seen, before.
It was cool inside, and the tea and cake tastes wonderful. We heard the beautiful cups and dishes used here were works of local artists.
Finishing our tea, we went to the exhibit. It was a local Kani Pottery Art Association Exhibition. The house itself is designed by famous designer, related to Shisendo in Kyoto, etc. etc. The design of the house adopted unique styles called "Oribe's favorite" that is originally introduced by a local warrior Oribe Furuta who was became the "Top tea master" after Rikyu Sen passed away.
Taking off shoes and entering the house, numerous pottery art were displayed in the corners of rooms and the sides of corridors. There was a white platform under each pottery that has abstract patterns painted in pale Chinese ink. As it was hard for me to crouch down to see all the art, I skipped some. Shoot, age! After we appreciated the ones in the main room, I took pictures of two displayed on the beautiful deck outside of the room that were harmonized with the background garden.
There was anothe nice one of mat black with straight outlines, but I was afraid the detail won't be captured by a photo, and did not took a picture. Each pottery and the base platform are artistically blended into one. We heard there is a traditional and formal tea room in this building, but it looks not easy to use the room by us.
After, I googled "Oribean" and found this layout drawing at the Gifu National College of Technology web site. Thanks. http://www.gifu-nct.ac.jp/archi/nagao/gam/data/hanacha.html The left is the gate, and the right is the casual teahouse, the down-left is the main room and the down-right is the formal tearoom. According to this illustration, the casual tea house is connected to the traditional house.
We went outside, and listened to a story about the house and the association from a gentleman of the association. Finally, we re-started watching roses in the main rose garden. There were a lot, and we are not experts or any, so we just looked around saying "Beautiful!"
It was May 25, we visited Flower Festa Memorial Park at Kani city, as we heard it was about the best time for the rose garden there. As we expected, roses were really fascinatingly beautiful, very much different from when we visited a few years ago.
2013 roses in full bloom
Right inside EAST Gate, inside the conservatory named Flower-topia, there was an exhibition of dwarf azaleas. We ware able to see many unique azaleas we have never seen, before.
珍しそう New to me.
The sign "Matcha, 500yen/cup" caught our eyes after we walked rose garden for a while. -Match is green powdered tea - Responding this, we found ourselves a little tired without noticing, and decided to visit the matcha house though we have never heard of the facility.
No sooner than we started to doubt we might took a wrong path after we walked switch back downhill and turned a corner, a Japanese gate came into our view. There was a sign of "Oribean, teahouse". Since we expected something like a makeshift tent with benches covered with red rug, this was a delightful surprise.
渋い門をくぐると、大きな池の前に中々の和風の庭園と数寄屋造りの建物、その向こうに大衆向け ^^; (靴のまま、椅子に座って頂ける)茶室がある。立礼席と言うらしい。数寄屋造りの建物では、陶芸展が催されているらしい。後で寄ることにして、まず抹茶と和菓子を頂きに奥へ。満員だったが5分もすると席が頂けた。
Going through the low-keyed gate, there was a traditional Japanese tea ceremony style house with also traditional Japanese garden in front of a large pond. Beyond these, we could see a casual teahouse for general public where we can enjoy tea sitting on the bench without taking off our shoes. In the tea ceremony style house, it appeared there was a pottery art exhibit. We decided to visit that later, and went into the casual teahouse to enjoy tea and Japanese cake. Although it was fully populated, we were able to sit down in several minutes.
It was cool inside, and the tea and cake tastes wonderful. We heard the beautiful cups and dishes used here were works of local artists.
Finishing our tea, we went to the exhibit. It was a local Kani Pottery Art Association Exhibition. The house itself is designed by famous designer, related to Shisendo in Kyoto, etc. etc. The design of the house adopted unique styles called "Oribe's favorite" that is originally introduced by a local warrior Oribe Furuta who was became the "Top tea master" after Rikyu Sen passed away.
Taking off shoes and entering the house, numerous pottery art were displayed in the corners of rooms and the sides of corridors. There was a white platform under each pottery that has abstract patterns painted in pale Chinese ink. As it was hard for me to crouch down to see all the art, I skipped some. Shoot, age! After we appreciated the ones in the main room, I took pictures of two displayed on the beautiful deck outside of the room that were harmonized with the background garden.
The carving of the boards looks unconventional.
There was anothe nice one of mat black with straight outlines, but I was afraid the detail won't be captured by a photo, and did not took a picture. Each pottery and the base platform are artistically blended into one. We heard there is a traditional and formal tea room in this building, but it looks not easy to use the room by us.
After, I googled "Oribean" and found this layout drawing at the Gifu National College of Technology web site. Thanks. http://www.gifu-nct.ac.jp/archi/nagao/gam/data/hanacha.html The left is the gate, and the right is the casual teahouse, the down-left is the main room and the down-right is the formal tearoom. According to this illustration, the casual tea house is connected to the traditional house.
織部庵レイアウト図 Layout of Oribean 岐阜工業高等専門学校のサイト(http://www.gifu-nct.ac.jp/archi/nagao/gam/data/hanacha.html)より |
We went outside, and listened to a story about the house and the association from a gentleman of the association. Finally, we re-started watching roses in the main rose garden. There were a lot, and we are not experts or any, so we just looked around saying "Beautiful!"
Various layouts are adopted.
Recently I like a single flower. Looks clean and still.
These decorated double is not bad, but looks heavy.
A bee is heading to the ripen one.
Weather was just right, and we walked well.
お気楽ナンキンハゼ寄せ植え盆栽, Easy Chinese tallow tree Bonsai
Last year, I collected seeds of Chinese tallow tree at a nearby park, and seeded them on a flat pot. Spring came and they are growing healthy... sort of... I am attempting to make a bonsai mimicking a forest.
Last year, I collected seeds of Chinese tallow tree at a nearby park, and seeded them on a flat pot. Spring came and they are growing healthy... sort of... I am attempting to make a bonsai mimicking a forest.
Actually, this is the last years outcome using seeds of Japanese wax tree growing in our garden. Since it turned out to be fairly better than I expected and was liked by my family, I am trying to get lucky again.
ハゼ昨年10月 Japanese was tree Oct. 2012
今年5月 May 2013
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